I posted a video that gave step by step instructions on how to make the warp.
You put a sign next to the button, and put the name of the warp on the first line
then you hit the button.
Ok, I will try that tomorrow.
Thanks You for your patience.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]MAN
I posted a video that gave step by step instructions on how to make the warp.
You put a sign next to the button, and put the name of the warp on the first line
then you hit the button.
Ok, So I did that and nothing happened when I hit the Button.
Why did the Bam Hammer spoke on me?
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]Why did the Bam Hammer spoke on me?
because you were very rude to both admins, and a moderator.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]Why did the Bam Hammer spoke on me?
because you were very rude to both admins, and a moderator.
OMG, Really?
Are you/them Female(s) or something to be so Sensitive.
You/Them take jokes too serious.
You know, that post really isn't helping you to get unbanned any quicker.
should i make a flat roof or make it a peak roof on the bathhouse?