Endless Paradigm

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I'll have a look then.
I am curious as to who's house that is, the one in the middle of the ocean by the ice cap.
Mad Props to eKusoshisut0 guys :D, he's donated £20 to the server!.

use your /i with pride dude!
does /give work if i donate?

or has it been remade into /i command

so considering doing so but wheres the fun in summoning items
/i is /give but you don't have to set your name.

i know not all will want it, but i also know some people did, so i decided to give them the option to, as long as they did something for me
I agree with Syfe, but there are things that would be easier if they were spawned.

Like sponge! :D
I'm also considering it to make a trap house someplace...


so not happy as they took important stuff from one of my chest and broke a door

FBR i Suggest not letting anybody wee don't know onto the server
Lock your chests and protect your region. :I

Also, upon further investigation it seems that I do NOT have access to the /i command D;
try /give instead (i do suggest using "toomanyitems")

and this is basically the first time i have been around all week... plus i was on a bit earlier to check out the mountain side cabin.

Talon mountain is now defended. i still lost 15 iron ingots, Iron Sword, Iron Pick, Iron Ax

2 glass blocks were lost as well.

i have also removed the warp i will setup it again once the shop system is back (or not at all)

also what's that thing abit higher up from the settlement?
me and syfe have spoken and I'm not able to track down who caused the carnage, but a tracking app will be put on soon and will track what people break, i think, not sure how it works yet lol, but this is mainly because the train line through the map has no lock on it yet, and anyone can destroy it, if you have something on the map you want to protect, please use world guard :)

also, eku, fixed, really sorry about that, I'm poo poo at writing the permissions for the game :S
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