Endless Paradigm

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lol, if you wanted a 100X100 block of sand, i would happily make it for you xD
where did you place that madness?
Broken or not I love it because I missed everything in 1.8 so everything is new to me. Holding space to jump? I don't quite follow, I thought you always jumped when you pressed space unless you mapped it to a different key. As far as the server is concerned I still would go on if I could lol, I couldn't before but soon I'll be able to I assume. From what I have seen there has always been one or two people on the server, I have never really been alone on it. I have footage of Syfe creepily staring at me through my old home's window on several occasions.

The giant sand block.... *sigh* I've been evicted again, haven't I?
the block of sand is near my roman building, not obstructing anybody and live I've said so many times before, I'm sorry stuff was lost last time i edited the map.
Hey I'm not bitter about losing the old house, truth be told I hated the way it looked and am more than happy to re-build. I was just making a joke about possibly losing my home again FBR.
I'm almost done expanding the rail system to Skycabin

its a lot of work.

@trademark saw your sign. i hope you didnt enter the tree
Nope sure didnt. Entering something with a do not enter sign would be quite rude. BUT I EXPECT A TOUR WHEN ITS FINISHED
Trade can you go to Skycabin Station and push the button above the dispenser / open the dispenser

[Image: 2011-09-24_221753.png]
[Image: 2011-09-24_221817.png]
[Image: 2011-09-24_221848.png]
[Image: 2011-09-24_221903.png]
ffs, when on the server today with trade, wee keep on getting loads of server crashes, this'll be fun to get rid of :)
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