Endless Paradigm

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this will be a good day
Wee do indeed! Do you need me to whitelist you on the server?
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, i worldguarded it.

i meant that as a request but it sounded like i was demanding...

thanks trade.

I'll try to use another install of minecraft to see if it can WG without issues
oh just one note.. what's the name of the portal network wee have? i want to hook my place up to everyone else's
i want to know that as well. I'm building a "gate" station (you can also Warp to it)
i notice the server's been down for the past couple of days... is it just an issue from my side?
Nope. I didn't say anything because I assumed trade was busy... dunno if ekuso or fbr could have restarted it sometime there
I'm not sure how, or if i have the ability
Nevermind then. Ill wait for trade to return
thanks for the info syfe
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