right the community hall has been built... now wee just need to add things to it... me nd hawk wee're thinking wee could move the community chests there and have basic things for people when they start on the server and also having something like a requests board...
and here i was going to expand the chest area
It's for the best.
Also FBR, can wee get permissions to the /spawn command. And could you set the community hall as the spawn point.
now what am i supposed to do with that room?
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]now what am i supposed to do with that room?
it'll make a nice utility room i guess...
here's another suggestion.... i think everyone should have allotted responsibilities... i think razgriz has already got farming underway and i have a small sugarcane farm as well.... if wee can have a couple of miners wee can have a constant supply of resources and wee should have some builders to get any construction work done....
That farm........my house is overflowing with Wheat to the point that I created a Bakery and stuffed aload in the Community chests. X3 I'm also working on my own mine shaft. So expected plenty of building materials. Messed about with pistons too, created a tiny boat dock at the side of my house so that the boat doesn't wonder (not that there's any point to boats in MSP as it lags like hell) :/
I'm also kinda against the spawning of items, but it would be useful for the non accessible items in Peaceful mode, or like someone said, allow zombies, spiders and skeletons but bar creepers. I'd like to be able to use the spawn /home so that if I do get lost again, I don't have to spend a day wondering~ (though you could use F3 as I learnt and get X to 0 and Y near enough to 0)
Making bookshelfs atm for my room upstairs. And finally have a wolf :3
Yo guys, as it turns out my laptop dosnt nearly hate minecraft half as much as it used to. For now it seems to be running pretty dam well.
As for an account I don't really have one, ish. I kinda use Silvertie's backup friend account. The name is Goldbow, and is long as its cool with him i could drop by the EP server and hang out with you all :D
ok, so here it goes.
Peaceful is now OFF, so mobs will spawn, except creepers as they have been turned off.
I've added a bunch of commands for you guys to use which you may/may not find useful
/afk - this command toggles your AFK status (which is shown in /whois command)
/compass - echo your current bearing to the chat window
/depth - show you your current depth
/getpos - show you your coordinates
/mail <read|clear|send [player] [message]> - mail system
/nick - change your display name from your minecraft account name
/realname <player> - see a players real name
/seen <player> - tells you when the player was last online
/setspawn - set where you will end up when you die
/back - used to return you to your place of death when you die
/setwarp <warp name> - defines a new warp location (don't set any warps in areas you don't want people in)
/delwarp <warp name> - deletes the warp
/warp <warp name> - move to warp (i believe just /warp will bring up a list of available warps, can be turned off if you guys want secret warps?)
/home - teleports you home (which you need to set first with.....)
/sethome - sets your home
/top - tele's you to the highest block at your current location
also thinking about adding an economy into the game, won't work on that till at possibly monday though, let me know what you think, and if the commands work
Maybe create a building to repersent (sp) the warp location
I'm going re purpose the old room for just that... just make it a bit fancier first
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on the server recently, I will be soon. I've been working on a big project that I will post screens of soon :)