Endless Paradigm

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Awesome spawn area syfe. As syfe said, worldguard is being a giant pain in the donkey.
Why does Syfe gets to play with Tekkit first. -_-
Because he's helping set it up and has been a valued member of our community for years.
and i am not "playing" around while in the server. I'm working on the new spawn section and testing plugins

the spawn settings are in the level.dat file... unless theres a plugin someplace that allows it to be abit easier
Why ask only him for help?

Things would be faster and easier if more would help, would it?
Stop whining
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Stop whining

Does it sound like that?

I am just wondering.
one thing before wee release the server. the spawn location
Ok. The server is up and running! Tekkit can be accessed at


Extra special thanks to Syfe for his help in setting everything up. Wee wouldn't have a tekkit server if it wasn't for him. Peace Walker, while I appreciate your offer for help, Syfe asked first and I really only needed one helper.
Sweet, booting up tekkit :3
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