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Yeah I need to get around to doing something about those...
squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]what are the server commands i want to ecplore but running is slowwww

General Commands
/afk – this command toggles your AFK status (which is shown in /whois command)
/compass – echo your current bearing to the chat window
/depth – show you your current depth
/getpos – show you your coordinates
/mail – mail system
/nick – change your display name from your minecraft account name
/realname – see a players real name
/seen – tells you when the player was last online
/back – used to return you to your place of death when you die

Warps & Teleporting
/setwarp – defines a new warp location (don’t set any warps in areas you don’t want people in)
/delwarp – deletes the warp
/warp – move to warp
/home – teleports you home (which you need to set first with…..)
/sethome – sets your home
/top – tele’s you to the highest block at your current location

World Guard Commands (for Protecting land) (in order they need to be used)
//wand – produces a wooden axe, use axe to select 2 oppsite corners of what you want to protect
//expand vert – protects all of the land from top to bottom of the map in the region you selected
/region define – sets the region up for you
/region addowner – not essential unless you forgot to add yourself as an owner or what another owner

Donators Commands
/give [Username] [ItemID] [amount] – spawn items for a named player
/i [ItemID] [amount] – spawn items for yourself
/tp – teleport a named player to a location
/tphere – teleport a named player to you
Sorry FBR but this is how the commands should go for donators
Quote:Donator Commands

/give [Username] [ITEM CODE],[Var] [Amount] (default is 64)
/i [Item Name] [Amount] (default is 64)

Too many Items mod does work in SMP as a alternate more controlled /give command (stacks of 64 or 1 only)

as for /TP and /TPhere they didnt work for me last time
lol, how did i make those mistakes xD

but for /give and /i you can use item names like cstone, stairs, redwool etc.
for some reason i only know of the itemcode version of /give

example: /give SyfeKS 358,6 1 (that would give me a MAP_6)

/i is the one i know that you can type the item name in and it gives it to you..
both versions work on this /give ( i use it to give andrew stuff), but if you're able to memorise item codes that's cool xD i always have to look on minecraftwiki for them lol.
nah i found out that TMI has already updated

so I'm good. although i spawned the wrong items (356,357) before getting the map.

that's how i was able to tell which map was useful or not
Says the server is outdated :/
yeah, bukkit 1.8.1 is not out yet guys, there is unstable versions but I'm not going to risk it.

wee have a website now though lol, shows how bored i was these past couple of days lol
some reason i don't have any server permissions again
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