Endless Paradigm

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server seems offline (points to sig)
no its definitely up
now i see it.
it's nice to see all of the commands still in working order. good thing the warp commands are still there otherwise wee'd never find the things wee built
you can thank fbr for really helping make the transition seamless. im going to be messing with a couple things over the course of the day so it may reset occasionally.
It seems as though i have screwed the permissions a bit. im going to be on tonight and tomorrow trying to fix them. if you guys can, id appreciate it if you logged in and helped me test some commands out for a bit.
ok everything seems to be up and running now. i took down the public world as multiverse was causing some issues with permissionbukkit, but im going to be putting it back up in a few days. our world works though, and i even added a few new commands for you guys :p. Plus you should notice a much more nicely colored chat as well.
why did you move off of group manager, there is a reason i was using that :P
Funnybutrandom Wrote: [ -> ]why did you move off of group manager, there is a reason i was using that :P

From what ive read, permissionsbukkit is going to be the new standard as far as permissions go. I figured it would be better to update to it now instead of getting set in a different plugin and have a more difficult time migrating over. ive got the second world back up now anyway, so it should be allright.

also, you should give the public users the new ip address as the servers all up and running. and if you could send me a list of folks to whitelist ill add them when i get home from work.

(and can i get that thread url where they apply? thanks)
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