Endless Paradigm

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Why don't you downgrade?

Just look for a clean minecraft.jar 1.1
i could send you mine. I think those are legal to distribute because you still have to log in.


the only mods its got installed are the flying mod and a patch for hi res textures.
Does the Flying Mod work Online?
Only if the server has flying enabled.
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]@Rawsor,
Why don't you downgrade?

Just look for a clean minecraft.jar 1.1

Because I like 1.2 ;_;
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]Does the Flying Mod work Online?

it does on ours.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]Does the Flying Mod work Online?

it does on ours.

Ok guys, guess what got released?

I'm pretty sure you know. I'm updating it, and the server is going to be offline for the next couple days, as I have a full plate at work tomorrow and then have jury duty on Monday. Depending on how long that takes, I'll have the whole thing up either Monday evening or Tuesday afternoon.
Woah, good luck on the jury thing
The Server Can't Be Reach.

Is it just me?
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