Endless Paradigm

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when was that?
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]when was that?

it was last night i think.. it says i can't connect to the server. has the ip been changed or something?
it shouldn't have. i think Trade would have told us if he changed the IP
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]it shouldn't have. i think Trade would have told us if he changed the IP

idk then I'll try again see if i get any luck, which version is the server running that might be he problem, or it might have been the fact in was using the old launcher
it doesn't matter as long as you are playing with Tekkit Classic

edit: the server was rebooted.
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]it doesn't matter as long as you are playing with Tekkit Classic

edit: the server was rebooted.

yeah it works now thanks  Madwin...

trade did say the server has been running non-stop for the last few months, so expect it to suddenly go down at random
Everyone, today I updated the vanilla minecraft server to 1.5.2. Wee have a new world and its running clean and smooth. Come visit!
I will when I can.
Is the Server Address really http://www.epcraft.org?

Cause it ain't working for me.
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