Endless Paradigm

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i do not suggest using it. i heard that glitch crashes servers
Are you talking about the one with the alchemy bag and Black Hole band?
I fixed the wormhole plugin on our tekkit server, so wee can start using those again, and I finished my first survival mode construction since the very early days of minecraft!

I give to you, TradeLighthouse

[Image: snapshot16n.png]

The light actually rotates around the lighthouse, just like a real one.
What I want to know is...

Did Syfe ever come back?!?!!
the portal plugin's permissions are missing
I'll get on that when i get home from work.
what happened to CC's mob spawner?
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]what happened to CC's mob spawner?

i decided to mangle it up a bit as it was pretty useless in terms of efficiency... i left it there for aesthetic purposes... I'll have to figure out some kind of new system at some point
I had an idea for one myself although I'm still planning out how the village is going to look
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]It seems as though I've found a Duplicating glitch on SMP tekkit that Im going to tell no one about >:3

If I find you duplicating items I will ban you for eternity
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