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looks like minecraft has been updated again, if you want to be able to play on the server, don't update untill i give the all clear :)
i don't really know how to avoid not updating.
When opening Minecraft and signing in it'll ask you if you want to update, select 'not now'.

I've just finished the Mushroom farm up north of Hawkeye's place. It'll take a while before it becomes productive though :/

EDIT: I think apples maybe making a return in 1.8 :3 Would be a nice addition to ma bakery :3 And if you people need food, the chest in the floor of the bakery is free to anyone. I'll get some porkchops and bread in there soon.
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]i don't really know how to avoid not updating.

When you start the game it will ask if you want to update. Just choose not now.
Woop. I updated. Oh well. : \
You can downgrade if you want.
updated anyways.

server works with 1.7.3

Quote:also thinking about adding an economy into the game,
can there be vending machines?
From what I saw, it works with signs and I think it's a sign per item with the value:number of items. Tis interesting but would it work out? Where does the currency come from in the first place?
by defeating mobs / trading with players
Yeh I suppose that would work then
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