Endless Paradigm

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which guy?
sure eku
i can't seem to join the server without minecraft crashing on me

the server is not allowing me to log in
oh by the way guys if any of you've noticed I've started expanding the rail over to that epic wall wee found before... thinking of building the main station there which will be automated...
hey guys, once the months up I'm not going to meet the next payment, my interest in mc is effectively gone.

if anyone wants to start a new ep server let me know and I'll upload the files required to run the ep server

sorry guys, it's £17 a month I'm paying that i'd rather not
D: i understand.

Im going to start looking for decent server places now, ill take it over if you guys are ok with that.
well, if you're looking for somewhere, http://www.fragnet.net/ is who currently host it :)
well i guess all great things must come to an end eventually... just want to say thanks for letting us use your server for the past few months FBR
that's ok :) it was rather easy to play over summer as all i had was work, but now I'm trying to juggle my social life, work life and uni life and cram it all in a week, so mc has to go.

I'm sure my successor will do a much better job of me on the setup anyway cD
im going to try to get a server up either tomorrow or tuesday because those are my days off. ill mirror your files and well get my server set up before yours goes down, so the transition can be seamless. what were the specs of yours so i know what im looking for?
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