Endless Paradigm

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Minecraft 1.1
ahh im on 1.2.3 that's probably why i can't go on I spose
Are there any good seed names I can get for Minecraft SP2? It's the only minecraft that works with the school computer I've got.
I had a Craked Version before, but now I have the Full and Legit one. Yay

My Username is Different.

Please add me again.

My Username is: DarknessArrives
ok, done! if  you have any locked chests/doors, youll have to talk to one of the mods (me, eku, and Exercitumsumeret) to get the chests fixed.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]ok, done! if  you have any locked chests/doors, youll have to talk to one of the mods (me, eku, and Exercitumsumeret) to get the chests fixed.

Yes, My House is Locked and I also have some Chests Lock as well. I have some goodies in them, so if possible, I would like them back.
I can't log on D:
LeRawr Wrote: [ -> ]I can't log on D:
It might be because trademark91 hasn't Updated the Server to work on Version 1.2.3 yet.
my cracked version is still 1.1. will it update or is there out already?
the new version of the client (what you guys have installed) is out, but the new version of the server (what our world is running on) is not. I can't do anything till the new version of the server gets released. If you have updated to a version past 1.1, you won't be able to log on to the server due to version incompatibility. My suggestion is to stay at version 1.1 until I let you know that the server has been updated.

If you want to keep track of the server updates yourself, their site is here: http://bukkit.org
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