Endless Paradigm

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will watch Usagi Drop and Natsume Book of Friends season 3 since both have been finished, and good episode for SKET Dance episode 25, waiting for Gintama X SKET Dance collaboration special
i have started "Dream Eater Merry" and I'm lost
Finished Kimi ni Todoke. So good. <3

Now onto the second season. :o
Finished Steins;Gate today.  Also finished Simoun (very disappointed in this series.  The story line was meh, and hardly any Yuri.  I've seen more Yuri in Yuru Yuri, which is supposedly not a Yuri series...)

I've also been watching Gurren Lagann.

I have 6 episodes left of Azumanga Daiou to watch.

I still have to finish up Yuru Yuri and Usagi Drop.
FMA Brotherhood ended a week ago.
Now just need adult swim to show a new anime.
watching Fate/Zero (Prequel of Fate/Stay Night)
Vastlocyr Wrote: [ -> ]Finished Kimi ni Todoke. So good. <3

Now onto the second season. :o

Finished the second season, and it was really quite wonderful as well.
C³ -C Cube- Episode 1 then Hunter x Hunter 2011 Episode 1
Hmm... Currently watching G-Taste.

Watched Mezzo Forte, El, Angel Blade, and Angel Blade Punish!

 Okay... Most of that is Hentai, but it's called "Adult Anime" in Japan, so it still counts, right? 
Last Exile-Fam The Silver Wing Ep.1 on Animax ( i want more XD )
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