Endless Paradigm

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Hidan no Aria episode 5 onwards
Oretachi episodes 5 onwards
Fairy Tail episode 83
girls bravo :3
Finished High School of the Dead.

Just started watching Blood-C and Steins;Gate.

So far, I'm really liking Steins;Gate.  Going to try to catch up later on tonight :D
Today i watched:

2 episodes of: A Channel, Astarotte no Omocha!, Azumanga Daioh, Gosick, Hen Zemi, Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi, Steins;Gate
and 1 epsiode of: Nichijou, Seikon no Qwaser II, SKET Dance
:O 17 episodes in a day.
Don't think I've ever done that before.
semi marathon on kimi ni todoke season 1
PERSONA - Trinity Soul is what I am watching. Yay
double you tee eff? Sorry there is no page 23 unless I double post? -Sigh-
There is now.. >:[

Also I just finished watching Toaru Majutsu no Index, better than first season. Accelerator arc was the best arc.
Don't know what to watch next either Potemayo or Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
finished watching Gosick up to the last episode, the last 2 episodes is a wow, hehehe
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