anyway only 4 episodes left

I finally got back into Anime again~ I took a break for some mad gaming, but now that College is back in session I switched back. That and the amount of TV censoring on some of the shows drove me crazy so I waited until the Blurays were released, which can be a slow process.
Just finished Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai.
Mondaiji-tachi Ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu Yo?
Episode 6
This spoon is amazing
I've watched so much anime in the past two months I'm unsure what to watch next.
currently finished Chuu-2 Byuu Demo Koi chocolateai, great ending
Still Bleach obviously. Just came to say I just hit more filler.... WHYYYYYYYYYYYY??!!?!???!?!?!
I know why, but still......
EDIT - by the way, I had a crack at making a Bleach sig if anyone noticed. It's not amazing, but yeah. I've noticed that quite a few members here have sigs made by other people. Would anyone like to have a crack at one for me, if it's not too cheeky to ask? I would be very grateful if someone did, but no problem if not. Thankyou in advance if anyone would like to :)
Yeah, filler episodes in most anime are annoying especially if you read the manga or whatever the source material was. Maybe If I have nothing better to watch, I'll watch Bleach, it's at least only 366 episodes.
I've put Nisemonogatari on hold, and chose to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion instead.
today it's Boku Ha Tomodachi Ga Sukunai NEXT and Kotoura-san
Just finished Oda Nobuna. Resumed watching Ore no Imo. A total anime fudge. Screw the True Route and Ep. 15. XD
Currently watching:
-Chuunibyou demo Koi ga chocolateai!
-Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
-Mahou Mayuu Yuusha
-Tamako Market
Planning to backlog animes since this season is a bit salty. Looking forward for the winterz!