Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Watching Haibane Renmei
Please tell me that it's good - I'm looking forward to watching that.
Haven't seen enough to make a judgement yet.
Will probably make a post somewhere when I'm done with it.
Eh heh heh heh. Best thing that came out of Ore Imo was Meru.
Now what other fall anime should I finish?
Watching Tengen Toppa Gurenn Lagann, and the currently airing winter anime
Seen the second episode of Kore wa Zombie? It somewhat interested me enough to watch it more.
I saw it. New character, a vampire ninja lol
Watched Level-E episode 2, its getting more like MIB, which is more interesting, hehehe
Also watched Mitsudomoe season 2, I've still laughing with this episode
Also watched Kore wa Zombie desu Ka? episode 2, and yeah great show, and yeah new character and a backstory for the main hero
Indeed, Zombie has been a bit underrated so far!
Just started GTO - freakin awesome.

I'll be watching Green Green tomorrow since my friend recommend me to watch it,