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Lots of stuff from the currently airing fall anime.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]srsbsns high fantasy stuff like this probably isn't even close to "popular".

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Anime probably isn't really geared towards srsbsns stuff, I mean, there's live action for that.

Eh? If it's good enough, it'll sell enough to get a second season. Yes obviously moeblob anime will sell more but that doesn't mean everything else isn't "popular".

Spoiler for in SZS's case:
It's pretty much matter of fact Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei seemed to cater for a small selection of anime watchers with it's relentless satire... but they pushed on and got 3 seasons with 2 OVA series, with series 3.5 - Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Bangaichi - shamelessly saying at the end how shocking the DVD sales numbers were to the people at the top (errr, I think it was Kodansha?) and that it really was the end (they made a point of the low the likeliness was of a new season at the end of 2.5 & 3), even though it could have kept going but at the same time shouldn't have had as many series as it did. I guess wee were just lucky to get what wee got.
So I guess there are many variables but ultimately, it's got to be appealing to a wide enough audience (no matter what genre) and good enough to make them buy the DVDs/merch to open the possibility of continuing.
wathced Bakuman ep 02 and Yosuga no Sora ep 02, ive tons to watch for this fall season, lol
Bokurano, Kara no Kyoukai and ef- a tale of melodies
got the bd of Full Metal Panic, so rewatching
also gonna rewatch Samurai Champloo [bd] after FMP
with K-On! when i feel like it XD (1 episode per day)
My current txt document, i delete completed nime off it and update my myanimelist
this doesn't include like the 160gb of nwatched stuff on my HD i horded

Nurarihyon no Mago - 16
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls 03
bakuman 03
ore no imouto ep 03
MM! - 04
The World God Only Knows - 03
Yosuga no Sora - 03
Iron Man - 03
Motto to love-ru 03
Fortune Arterial 03
panty and stocking 04
Still Clannad, Maid-sama, and Ika Musume
having finished Winter Sonata, I'll finish up the ef melodies re-watch then move on to Nodame Cantabile along with a Higurashi Re-Watch.
pspx256 Wrote: [ -> ]Still Clannad

Still can't decide to read the goddamn VN or watch the goddamn anime.

Anime's faster, VN's better (supposedly).  Probably most likely going to end up watching the anime.  Either way, it's probably not going to be any time soon, since I have loads of poo poo in front of it on both sides.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]having finished Winter Sonata, I'll finish up the ef melodies re-watch then move on to Nodame Cantabile along with a Higurashi Re-Watch.

how's winter sonata for you?
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