Endless Paradigm

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I haven't heard the greatest things about it, but eh, you go ahead.
I like just finished RAINBOW today, I guess it was a nice way to end it.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]I like just finished RAINBOW today, I guess it was a nice way to end it.

lol, sadly, after the epic first half it's rapid progression and changes of scene make it somewhat forgettable. First half is epic though (that's not to say the second half was bad either, just not as good or well paced).

Got right into the Higurashi re-watch.... DAMN it's as enjoyable and addictive as I remember... already on Ep6 of the second season!
Yeah, I almost saw the two halves as completely different animes.

Anyway, seeing as spring is looking really bad this year, I might as well use that to catch up on older anime I haven't seen or stuff I have seen but need to refresh my memory of it.
I'm watching Freezing, Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne—!! and Infinite Stratos.

I love pantsus SO much
TO WATCH IT, not wear it
Started watching Toaru Majutsu no Index, and Higurashi. Asides from that still watching the winter anime.
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]Higurashi

good man :D

Edit: Ah, after finishing Higurashi I'm rewatching Lucky Star and starting Detroit Metal City!
Finished the first OVA of Salamander, going to watch the other two later
Back to watching Bakemonogatari, after stopping like 4 times or something.  Well, now that I got past the boring arc (lol, took me 3 different sittings to complete episode 4), it'll probably move a lot faster.

Still watching The 12 Kingdoms, that stuff is pretty good.  Also resuming Highschool of the Dead.  May also resume some of the other things I started recently but never finished (Oreimo, Shukufuku no Campanella, lol).

Clannad sometime.  Oh, also want to finish that F/SN Heaven's Feel route sometime, but that's like probably LONG and EFFORT :\.  Both of those not until at least 2 weeks afterwards, when all the mid semester exams finish.
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