Endless Paradigm

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re-watching Seitokai Yakuindomo (BD) Itchingsmile
Steven Wrote: [ -> ]re-watching Seitokai Yakuindomo (BD) Itchingsmile

I aughta do that. Loved that show.
Dantalion No Shoka

  / just the opening sequnce is enough
Still watching Usagi Drop, The IDOLM@STER, Yuru Yuri, Steins; Gate, and Nyanpire.  Also, I only have 6 more episodes of Simoun to watch.
Finished Natsume Yuujinchou season 1, great series, i never taught this has a good plot even if its episodic in nature
Watched episode 7 of Yuru Yuri, and I recently started watching Azumanga Daioh :D
I have not watched anything in ages.

So I stared Dragon Ball Kai :D

My childhood in HD with the voice actors going all out :D
In the past few weeks I've finished Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Welcome to the N.H.K. Both were fantastic. :D

hershey kisses

no, nothing atm i guess..
finished hellsing a couple days ago
^LOL Hahaha

Watched episode 1 of Seitokai Yakuindomo.

Still watching:
Steins; Gate
Yuru Yuri
Usagi Drop
Azumanga Daioh
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