Idiots and tests and summoned beings , Kobato , or do you want something with lolis :D ?
not really watching anime right now, Dial-up connection sucks!!.......

Some old Magical Girl anime from the 1980's.
Going to try out Cowboy Bebop soon.
Also watching Zero no Tsukaima...skyy! <33
I'm basically watching a bunch of anime that I've already seen. Looking for something new though...
Lunar Wrote: [ -> ]Happiness!
Tell me if that's good - for some weird-donkey reason, I did once feel like watching that.
KGa seems to have stalled in subbing. Otherwise Hayate no Gotoku S2 (seems to be more interesting than S1) and started Kimi ni Todoke (seems to be a fairly typical shoujo/drama/way-too-much-monologue type anime which seems to be okay in general).
currently watching Maria-sama ga Miteru..again lol
Ghost in the Shell Stand alone complex 2nd GIG
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Lunar Wrote: [ -> ]Happiness!
Tell me if that's good - for some weird-donkey reason, I did once feel like watching that.
could your weird donkey reasong be...
Jun was the only reason why I watched that show... stopped at ep 11 dunno why...
Didn't really think it pwnd but that's because I watched the eps with huge pauses between each one... so remembering the story was hard...
z7shaft Wrote: [ -> ]I'm watching Fullmetal Alchemist Shintetsu (or Brotherhood)
And I can tell you, its PURE AWESOMENESS!!!
Its already on Chapter 52 and the end is getting closer!!!
If you thought the original series were awesome, wait to see this and you will
be completely amazed!
Also, I'm watching Bleach (watched the Zampaktou Stories until 256, now I skipped the 10 chapter filler (Beast Swords are ~~boring) what's great is that Bleach anime RETURNS to the manga timeline TOMORROW!!!
So I would expect a pretty awesome between Ichigo and Ulquiorra tomorrow!
YES, what he said although I just started watching FMA:Brotherhood(AWESOME!) and on Bleach I am at ep. 204,
Also watching Angel Beats and Working!! great anime and can't wait for the next eps