Bleach & One piece. Kinda slowed down on One piece as I've nearly caught up to the up to date stuff. I hate having to wait a week(sometimes two weeks in bleach's case) for my next anime fix!
Eureka SeveN, it's fudging awesome!^^
Itazura Na Kiss
Telepathy Shoujo Ran
Myself, Yourself
Ikkitousen - Great Guardians
and i just finished watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
I'm probably watching a bunch of poo poo I stalled on.
I can't name them all (I miss you anime planet

) but
Code Geass Season two (was watching it until episode 9 then when a new one came out I forget to watch and have been behind ever since. Someone let me know if this is over so I can watch it.)
To love-ru (try to catch it weekly before veoh removes it from their servers.)
Ikkitousen (was watching the first episode, then forgot about it entirely)
There is probably more to it than that, but I can't remember.
Code Geass R2 (as and when Eps are released.. currently Ep.19)
Bleach (currently 183)
Sayounara Zetsubou Sensei (just finished)
Kodomo Ni Jikan (just started)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (sadly had never seen this.. )
Tweeny Witches (downloading now)
I chooooooooose you, Aria the Animation, to watch - I've seen Ep1, very much looking forward to seeing the rest.
Just finished Maria-sama ga Miteru OVAs (3rd season) - was nice-ish like the 2nd season.
Going to see what Vandread is like...
EDIT: saw first episode - doesn't look good (stupid comedy/romance aimed at younger teens/older children - should've guessed from the description)