Finishing Bakemonogatari
Going to catch up on High School of the Dead and Seitokai Yakuindomo
Well today i started...
Spice & Wolf
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
ef - a tale of memories
Finished HOTD. and School Days
ef- a tale of memories
School Rumble
watching Kannagi
looking for what to watch next if i get around to it
Just started Guin Saga again from when I left off last time.
Tis pretty good so far.
![[Image: SummaryofGuinSaga.jpg]](
As no-one else replied, I thought I'd mention, ^ lol.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]As no-one else replied, I thought I'd mention, ^ lol.
Finished watching it. 8/10 probably (which is pretty good in my books).
Ending is unfinished, but that's unsurprising since it is based off a long donkey novel series with a crapload of volumes. Problem is, I don't think this will get a second season, because 80% of anime watchers are moefags, and srsbsns high fantasy stuff like this probably isn't even close to "popular".
Anime probably isn't really geared towards srsbsns stuff, I mean, there's live action for that.
Dragon Ball Z (The Cell Saga) it is getting really good 10/10 so far.
(I know its old, but I finally got through a lot of my anime stash to get to it...)