Ever17 at like 4am yesterday. 8.5/10.
At the start you may be thinking this is probably going to be another cheesy love story or
something. But by the time you get to the true end, there wouldn't be any speck of that thought left. Pretty much this whole thing is a huge mindscrew, and is pretty awesome. It's surprisingly well crafted in how everything is relevant and ties in nicely at the end and there are very very few plot holes and inconsistencies, when you'd expect heaps for a story like that (EDIT: actually, no, there are still a decent amount of unexplained stuff...). And the writer for this actually knows enough scientific/technical knowledge so most of the stuff he writes makes at least some sense and are mostly plausible, rather than simply spitting out technically/logically implausible bulls
hit all over the place, which happen way too often in anime (no, you cannot hack into a high security computer in 5 minutes by hand, and you cannot beat a non-retarded person in chess without loosing a since piece, that's not sci-fi, that's bulls
The down sides are that some of the earlier events and some of the routes aren't very interesting, and you're forced to read them in order to get the final. And the final route spends at least 1/2 the route sort of going through evens of earlier routes (but different-ish, so you can't skip :\).
This reactions picture (not by me) is sort of what it's like, except
Sara's route is really sweet and actually nice (i
mo). Also, while the final route is good, it's not like as good as others say it is (that is, absolutely godlike).
Anyway, the ratings for this are like
way fucking high. But imo it's somewhat overrated because this is one of the most popular "starter VNs", is released way before any other "good" titles are, and also contains no H content. This leads to a younger average audience who likely haven't read many if any VNs at all prior to this, younger and fresher both translate to higher ratings. Err... not that stuff like F/SN aren't overrated...
Started watching Bakemonogatari again, after like 5 stalls or something.