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There's 3, but 2 have been subbed recently.
2 were screened last year, I think the third was shown this year.  So expect BD/DVDs to arrive next year.
So are the first 2 the retelling of the TV series from start to end or is it a certain point?

Or is it like Evangelion where the first two are similar to the TV series except for the 3rd one and the ending of the 2nd one
It's a retelling of the TV series with minimal changes.
Movie 1 is episode 1-8.  Movie 2 is episode 9-12 (with the first part of episode 1 being moved into here).  And no, the second movie doesn't have anything particularly new - they made a few scenes a bit longer to pad out the time.

The Evangelion movies (the old ones, I haven't seen the newer ones): first (first half) was actually a summary, whilst Madoka isn't even that, it's just a retelling.  Some scenes were cut out or condensed in the first movie to fit it all in, but that's about it.
There's nothing new story wise.

If you don't mind rewatching the show, the movie is a good alternative to the TV series, since the artwork's been overhauled in a number of places and there are some minor modifications.

Spoiler for Example comparisons with TV vs Movie at the same position:
[Image: cvjx.jpg]
[Image: s978.jpg]
[Image: o6mk.jpg]

TV (BD):
[Image: gq0h.jpg]
[Image: gvzu.jpg]
[Image: la0k.jpg]
I personally skipped through the movies pretty quick.
Not really that interested in a retelling, although I heard a different ending was planned?

But hey, it's at least better than the Kiddy Grade Movies.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]It's a retelling of the TV series with minimal changes.
Movie 1 is episode 1-8.  Movie 2 is episode 9-12 (with the first part of episode 1 being moved into here).  And no, the second movie doesn't have anything particularly new - they made a few scenes a bit longer to pad out the time.
Eh, cbf watching then.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Not really that interested in a retelling, although I heard a different ending was planned?
Ending is the same in the 2nd movie, but the 3rd movie is probably something different.
Yeah it looks like it will be something different. they've released a trailer and some new info on it.

So the obvious thing about this show is that it's different.  The creators deliberately do rather odd things, such as weird camera angles/positioning, minimalist (though often oddly patterned) backgrounds and the use of screens with just text (perhaps referencing some older lower budget animes maybe? (Eva?)).
The show seems to take the typical formula for harem anime and pokes fun at the various tropes - both in obvious ways (eg character mentions that they should be acting in a particular way) and more subtle ways (eg rather than the protagonist solving the girls' issues (with his buddy mostly being useless), here he is mostly useless and simply delegates them to the friend who does all the solving (although the protag still gets the girls anyway)).  Nice ideas.

Whilst there is probably a lot to like about Bakemonogatari, to me it seems that they've tried to hard to be different.  Many things they've done seem plainly odd for no particular purpose, unless
- they just want to mindfudge the audience (something I don't rate well)
- being different for the sake of being different (silly IMO)
- some vague reference or similar that I don't know (possible, since the show is somewhat symbolic, though I'd say you'd have to know more Japanese culture to really understand this)
- some artistic trait that I don't understand
Along with the fact that most of the show is just dialogue, with nothing much else going on during this (backgrounds are typically fairly static and unvaried) I found it ultimately very difficult to enjoy.
Interesting attempt, but I don't really like the delivery.
3 stars

Hataraku Maou-sama
Show is predominantly a comedy, but contains a mix of other elements.  In fact, it seems somewhat like Kore wa Zombie desuka's 1st season.
Actually, now that I think about it, they're quite similar, but I don't quite like the plot of Hataraku as much.  Enjoyable nonetheless.
3 stars

Corpse Party OVAs
Not a bad retelling of the first game's storyline, though I never really found the story to be that great.  The ending is different, though
it intruiges me that they left the two characters alive who needed to be for the Blood Drive storyline.
I liked Hataraku Maou-sama but it felt like the second half just went downhill imo. Didn't find it as enjoyable as I did with the first episodes. Same deal with some other show from the same season (Henneko)
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