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Dance in the Vampire Bund
This show has two distinctive parts.  The first has a reasonable idea, however I really didn't like the execution of it.  The second part is more sensible IMO, but is more of a fairly standard plot without the interesting ideas of the first part.
Probably need a rewatch of parts to understand them better, but cbf now.
2.5 stars

Yuru Yuri
Kyouko pretty much runs this show.  Otherwise, it seems somewhat bland-ish everyday show - well, not really but I didn't find most of the other things terribly exciting (and other characters aren't as dynamic as Kyouko).  I do like how they made the last episode a crazy one instead of some lame drama.
2.5 stars

Hanasaku Iroha
I think they've done fairly well in what the writers have tried to achieve.  Decent characterisation, though some things seem a little inconsistent.  As an everyday life working at an inn story, over-glorification is to be expected, though I found a number of things hard to take in.
Nice artwork too.
Feeling a bit pessimistic, so 3 stars.

Nearly finished Nichijou.
Onii-chan no Koto OVA is an above average episode if you don't mind the main show.
The World God Only Knows OVA isn't bad either.
Also found out that there was a second version of episode 12 for Ore no Imouto - it's only a bit different in the second half though.
I liked Hanasaku Iroha, mind you it wasn't something amazing nor terrible but as a average slice of life anime it was enjoyable. a bit bland around the middle but overall it was nice and the ending wrapped it all nicely.

Thinking about downloading Yuri Yuri now that's it over. NOT THAT I'M INTO YURI OR ANYTHING!!
I found the middle-ish stories perhaps more enjoyable actually, although a number of them were mostly centered around a particular character.
I liked some of the characters, but others were just quirky (to be expected I guess).  I still erk at Enishi and Takako - I guess I can somewhat understand them, but they just seem so ridiculous, lol.
Yeah I wasn't a big fan of Takako either >__>
"I'm cool cause I mix random English words into my Japanese speech."
And how does she drive some expensive car By the way?
So, Nichijou ends without anything doing particularly special, though I guess they did go through a few things.

As for the show, good that they did all the crazy stuff (many of it relating to over-emphasising "normal" activities), but I found a lot of jokes hard to understand, or they spent too long building something up which ultimately didn't turn out to be too amusing.  Although there is some underlying story, it's really disjointed, so I would've liked to see something else in its place.
3 stars
I liked Nichijou a lot. Every single episode had me laughing.

Also, there is more Hanasaku Iroha coming.

Quote:The Hokkoku Shimbun paper confirmed on Monday that the production committee of the Hanasaku Iroha television anime series announced that it is producing a "new visual work" of Hanasaku Iroha next year. The production committee did not specify if the new work will be released on television, on video, or in theaters — or even if the work will be animated.

The "Hana-Iro Ryokan Kumiai" committee made the announcement at Kanazawa City on Sunday during the real-life Bonbori Festival — like the one seen in the Hanasaku Iroha television anime. (The setting of Hanasaku Iroha is based on Kanazawa City.) The festival organizers announced that about 5,000 attendees, including both locals and fans, took part in the event.

The Hanasaku Iroha television anime series aired from April to September of this year, and Crunchyroll streamed the anime in several countries as it aired in Japan. The story centers around Ohana Matsumae, a 16-year-old Tokyo native who suddenly ends up working at a provincial hot spring inn after her mother flees town to avoid debts.

I guess I wouldn't mind more.
Though, if it's a sequel, my suspicion would be that it would be fairly different, at least in setting, to what's out now.
Fruits basket
Ok I finally finished this after like 8 years or something.  Not because it's bad, but rather because of availability issues way back then.  Pretty much mostly re-watched the whole thing actually, since I don't know what the hell's going on any more after that long.

Shoujo show, mainly slice of life.  Not really as good as I remembered it back then (because when you're young everything is good).  The early half of the show was heartwarming at times and probably better than the later half.  The ending I found to be pretty insignificant, and not really much of an ending.  I have to point out too that Tohru's way too kind hearted, I mean it's not really humanly possible.

Everything being said, this is an alright show.  7/10.

Steins;Gate (Anime)
An interesting science fiction story which is rather well done.  Starts off pretty slow but gets really good from the middle onwards.  The ending isn't going to blow your mind but it's conclusive and satisfying, which I can't say for 70% of anime I've seen.

Some of the science will seem a lot more fiction than science, like compressing some-very-fucking-large amount of data into 36bytes using black holes or whatever, but most of it doesn't sound as far fetched as that... well at least it sounds smart enough most of the time.

Story - 8.5/10.
Characters - 9/10.  Okabe (mado scientisto) and Kurisu are awesome.  Rest of cast isn't bad either.
Animation - 6/10.  The coloring for this is rather dull and the animation is average.
Sound - 7/10.
Overall- 8/10.

Muv-Luv Alternative (MLA) VN
In an insane world, a fate is tossed about
In a world headed toward destruction, a flame of life blazes forth
And that which could be spun out, one more future

Unable to be told before, it is [the] alternative ending
A very great, very small, very precious
tale of love and courage.

So like a long time ago I played this thing called Muv-Luv (post #271 of this thread).  The name hints to a shitty slice-of-life harem eroge like the other 231453123 generic eroges out there... and it pretty much is... except it's not that shitty (it's actually alright).  So why play generic harem crap at all? - Because you need to play it to understand the sequel called Muv-Luv Alternative which is hyped by like 1/2 the people who played it to be the best thing ever, backed up by the highest rating on VNDB and 2nd highest ratings on EGS.

Story - 9/10.
Art (characters) - 4/10.  Sucks, and inconsistent because the new stuff look very obviously different from the stuff carried over from the prequel.  You eventually get used to it I guess, but that doesn't excuse anything.
Art (the rest) - 8/10.  Mecha designs and stuff were good, backgrounds and stuff were ok.
Music - 9.5/10.
Effects, presentation - 10/10.  I've never seen stuff like this in a VN.  EVER.  Not even in the newest VNs, and this is 5yrs old.
Overall - 9/10.

However I don't really recommend this to people new to VNs, because together with the prequel (which you have to read to understand everything), it's massively fucking long (5.22MB of text, compare: Kanon has 1.26MB for all routes added up).  And the prequels aren't that good, which doesn't help.  Should start on G-Senjou no Maou or something if you want to start somewhere (despite the fact that I didn't like it that much, I know most people would love it).
Seitokai Yakuidomo OVA2 pretty much similar to main show.
KissXsis OVA6 predictable lols and a bit cliche.


Stuff I've seen recently that I'll write more about some time in the future:
- Ano Hana, decent show, probably around 3.5 stars
- School Rumble, decent comedy, even after 26 episodes, probably around 3-3.5 stars
- watching Hyakka Rouran Samurai Girls which is a meh story interfused with typical ecchi stuffs which makes it difficult to take what there is of the story seriously, probably 2.5 stars
- Ika Musume S2 still not too bad so far

Might continue with School Rumble S2 (another 26 episodes) afterwards.
Dunno if I'll continue with the 6 episodes of Bakuman I've somehow slipped in between - just seems to ordinary with a bunch of cheesy stuff.
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