Endless Paradigm

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Granted, but the graphics people appreciate are the ones you despise

I wish that i was a better artist so that i could enter SOTW
Granted. But you don't win.

I wish I had a new apartment.
Granted, But it was the same apartment as the one from "Joe's Apartment"

I wish that I would gather up the energy to do sh!t I need to do after work and school
granted, but you gather so much energy you can't sit down and do what you need...you just run round and round and round and round and round and round and round until you fall asleep

I wish i was a carrot
granted but a green carrot and you get eaten by dogs.

I wish I was a rubiks cube
granted,but after a while all your pieces would fall down.
I wish I was a hairdryer.
granted but you live in a place where theres no 'ekkeltrikcity' (electricity lol)

i wish i had a mod.control panel
granted, but you abuse your powers and get a perma-ban

i wish I had mod powers
granted, but you never use them because you don't know how any forget to google it and find out, not that you should need to

I wish i had a pie
granted but its under a 1 ton mans hairy donkey

I wish I had a pikachu.
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