Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Corrupt A Wish!
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Granted but then they realized how stupid it was

I wish that I didn't have to pay a chocolateload for college
granted, but the government takes all your money

i wish it was friday
but then u r lost in time
i wish U_C had made a wish for me to corrupt
granted, but then you couldn't corrupt it.

I wish I had a PS3 with a 500GB HDD, a Sixaxis Dualshock and Metal Gear Solid 4
Granted, but it has no power switch.

I wish this crate of Artios Bock was full again. (I only have 4 left)
granted but its full of spoon. . .

I wish I could have indestructible bones.
Granted. but your skin and muscles fall off and you become a walking talking skeleton.
I wish for everyone to have a wish
granted, but everyone wished you suicide

i wish i had faster internet
granted but the payment is $9,000,000,000,001

I wish I could feel better.
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