granted, but that information is ultra top-secret, so you are killed to prevent the info from being leaked....
i wish i knew what to wish for....
granted, you wished that you die in the most horrible way possible, viewed around the world, and that I live happily ever after
i wish i had the money to fix my car
granted, but it might be illegal
i wish taht i had a black psp slim
granted, but the motherboard blows up, killing you
i wish i had never entered this thread....
granted but then all the other posts would become out of place
i wish for somethin useful
granted, but it becomes useful for me, and not for you.....
i wish the universe would explode
granted, but wee are in the void and survive forever!! :yipi:
i wish i knew how to not know how to wish,lol
Granted, But then all of the wishes that you granted would disapear and then that would cause the universe to fart and the void would be destroyed and you would be help accountable for the heavy lawsuit sure to en-follow you for desrtoying the domain of http:.// And ZiNgA would be upset with you.
I Wish to have the 1000# Post over at This Thread -»
granted, but hurry, someone *cough squee cough* is racing u
i wish that i could hide all files on my computer so that no matter what my dad did, he couldn't find them at all.
granted but he gets a screwdriver and opens up your PC , gets the HDD, places magnets all around it (HDD's worst enemy) and smashes it into pieces with a jackhammer