Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Corrupt A Wish!
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Granted, but since you didn't actually make a wish other than that, nothing happens. Eventually you get bored of the nothingness until the boredom drives you mad and you kill yourself to end the madness. (since it's not a side-effect of the wish but a side-effect of the lack of result, I think it applies)

I wish I was right in this corruption.
granted but during your time of confusion in whether it is good or not you got so mind boggled that you started having sex with a horse and the horse did not like it and bucked you in the head and you die because of head trauma

I wish I could type faster
granted, but you lose your fingers by typing so fast

i wish for i had more money
granted, but the money you obtained burns before your eyes.

I wish I wish I had a fish that wished the wishes of those who wish would wish they wish they had a fish.
granted but the fish dies
i wish i had a pswii720portable lol
u_c_taker Wrote:granted but the fish dies
i wish i had a pswii720portable lol

You gets it, but it gets the 'borrowed' D:

I wish I could make better sprite tags.
badthingshappen Wrote:
u_c_taker Wrote:granted but the fish dies
i wish i had a pswii720portable lol

You gets it, but it gets the 'borrowed' D:

I wish I could make better sprite tags.

granted, but your computer crashes...

i wish i had lots of money
granted but its all in coins and it crushes you in a sea of metal

I wish I had a $20 bill
Granted but that $20 is strapped to a bomb that explodes and you lose the money. Then you find $500 but you get shot before you grab them.

I wish I had magical powers.
granted, but you don't know how to use them, so you accidentally turn yourself into a frog....

i wish i didn't have to go to school the rest of this week........wait a minute, i don't have to go to school the rest of this week... :)

alright, then....

i wish for Monster Hunter 3 :D
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