Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Corrupt A Wish!
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Granted but you become a cockroach with no legs and spend the rest of your life as a motionless cockroach. which would be forever.

I wish for the power to grant all my wishes.
granted, but all of them get corrupted

i wish my lawn were emo so it cuts himself
Granted but it is so incredibly emo you end up with no lawn at all.

I wish for thje ability to grant my wishes and the ability to un-corrupt (aka purify) them.
granted, but purity is for water so they still get corrupted
i wish that la03 made his wish
granted, but he wishes for your almighty destruction

I wish I was a senior member of EP
granted, but i become else becomes admins

i wish i had a talking monkey

u_c_taker Wrote:i wish that la03 made his wish
granted.. but all he knows how to say are spells in latin which will bring about the death of you and everyone you love.

I wish I had a chocolate cake.
granted, but you can't anything with it

i wish this pc allowed torrent clients...
granted, but as you log onto utorrent the FBI runs in and takes you to jail were your raped every night for a 7 years.

I wish Silent Hill PSP was out.
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