Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Corrupt A Wish!
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granted, but no one knows what it is, so they just stab you out of frustration

I wish i had something
roberth Wrote:granted, but no one knows what it is, so they just stab you out of frustration

I wish i had something

Granted, you receive a raging mad American Pit Bull that has aids and rabies! :D

I wish I was dead. :D
granted but you go to hell. . .

I wish I could fly
roberth Wrote:granted, but no one knows what it is, so they just stab you out of frustration

I wish i had something

LOL lat03 you got stabbed!!! and wee all know by who... Evy!! XD XD ok wee all as in you and me. lol ...and Evy.

Granted but you crash into an oncoming airplane and fall to the ground breaking everything in your body yet somehow remaining alive and you remain comatose for the rest of your life.

I wish I could uncorrupt my wishes.
Zehruk Wrote:
roberth Wrote:granted, but no one knows what it is, so they just stab you out of frustration

LOL lat03 you got stabbed!!! and wee all know by who... Evy!! XD XD ok wee all as in you and me. lol ...and Evy.
Lmao @ internal Joke

-back on topic-
granted, but you don't have any wishes...

i wish, therefore i am
Wish granted. However you thought you were on top of the world and thus came into being approxmately five miles above the earth.

Needless to say your existence lasted about a minute.

I wish for a new graphics card.
Granted but the relatively new graphics card is actually the same exact one you already have.

I wish this wish gets corrupted.
granted, but by doing it, you commit suicide

i wish i had shadow's graphics skills
lat03 Wrote:granted, but by doing it, you commit suicide

i wish i had shadow's graphics skills

Granted, but you get annoying PM's to make tags that take more that 5 hours. :yes:

I wish I could hibernate. :yes:
Granted, but unfortunately, your not supposed to, so you die of starvation

I wish that no bad of any type can come of  this wish, and it only gets corrupted with no altered side affects at all.
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