Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Corrupt A Wish!
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granted, but your blind

I wish for a pickle (im out of ideas, and theres a flashing pickle above me...so sue)
But you have no friends, so pickles are useless.

I wish i had a lot of money, enough to buy whatever i want.

PS, Im Metalgear08's little brother
granted, but you die before you get to use it

i wish i had a ps3
granted, but what are you gonna play, lair?

i wish i enjoyed getting schoolwork done
granted, but u fail all ur school work.

i wish eggroll's sig wasn't so disturbing 0.o
Granted, but you have a sudden compulsion to twiddle eggrolls balls.

I wish I could delete the internet.
granted, but u get thrown in jail and get butt raped every day.

i wish i had a liger.
(that's right, L.I.G.E.R)
granted, but it kills you

i wish i had a time machine
granted but it didnt work. . .

I wish I could have cs_4_ beta ( if there even is one)
granted but u delelted the copy n can't accquire it again
i wish i could play gow promo
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