[beaner2k6-too lazy to login]
granted but then it doesn't work because it was damaged in the hostage exchange ;)
i wish i had a hot girlfriend
granted, but she had a penis
i wish i finally had summer break
Granted, but it rained every day, and there was no electricity.
I wish crazy taxi: fare wars was out for PSP
granted, and it pwned! (i want it too)
but then ur psp broke and you got robbed and ur bank account got hacked
i wish i didnt have to do 2 enormous projects finished by tomorrow or i get a 0, now that it is 20:00
granted you are given a new deadline but then you miss the new deadline too
i wish i had a fc3s with an fd3s motor swap
granted, but you dropped it into the grand canyon
i wish this project wasn't so boring
granted but then you get a heart attack from the exitement
i wish i could jump higher than black ppl
granted, black people can now no longer jump.
but then in GTA4 your character is black and you can't jump but you need to jump in order to do the very last mission
i wish the weather werent so hot