Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Corrupt A Wish!
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granted but u meet with an accident and die
i wish i had a 30ton monster truck
granted, but it gets 'borrowed' and the thieves kill you

i wish something
Granted but the world implodes destroying your wish.

I wish chicken tasted like duck.
granted, but you lose your taste buds

i wished i had better photoshop skills
granted, but then you could never use photoshop again
i wish that i could throw a baseball 100mph
granted, but you lose both your arms and legs

i wish that the next person phail at life
granted, but you still end up phailing even more

i wish for God of War on PSP :yipi:
but your PSP will brick . .

I wish for Jessica Alba.
granted, but then she leaves you for some celebrity

i wish i was a cyborg...
granted, but you break in less than a week

i wish i knew what to wish
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