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Crysis Warhead,  Civilization 5.
Duke Nukem Forever
Classics HD: Ico & Shadow of the Colossus

omg these games rock :D Nostalgia to the freaking max man. Anyone else played them?
i want to. just havent been able to afford anything
Finished Diamond Hollow II a while ago.
Might go back to Skyrim some time.  IDK, not finding it as exciting as I found Oblivion - maybe the whole quests thing has kinda worn off for me...
Should be finishing Corpse Party soon.
Got up to round 26 in the Madoka doujin game (Grief Syndrome) - couldn't beat it on that, might try again some time. (no, I didn't play it 25 times, it unlocks round 26 after you finish round 5)
OMG a week till my exams start and wee bought a 50inch 3d Panasonic TV Facepalm I never thought playing games 3d would be this awesome Ahaa I am addicted to games again Whyowhy games I'm playing with it right now;
Alice Madness Returns
Silent Hill Homecoming (This is the 3rd time I'm trying to finish this game I hope I finally manage to finish it)
DeadRising 2
I'm also playing NFS The Run but it doesn't work 3d yet Whyowhy
Playing me some S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl with the Stalker complete 2009 mod and the Realistic weapons patch. Shooters are great when both you and your enemies take the same amount of bullets to kill. I hate it when I can kill everyone with 3 shots but i take like 10 to die. Even worse are games like fallout where you get to choose between 1-2 shots to kill an enemy, and them taking 30 to kill you; 10 to kill an enemy and 10 to kill you; or 30 to kill an enemy and 2 to kill you. I want to kill them with 1-2 shots, and I want to die with 1-2 shots.

heres a screenshot.

[Image: 35D58BDC4641D899348885957D60ADB3036466F8]
Modern Warfare 3
choplifter HD :D
been playin me some Just Cause 2.

fukken love that game.
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