the DNA chips are rather simple to use....
they're quite simply just powerups you can use to gain various things such as a temporary immortality or high percentage chance to obtain more chips...
Green nodes: crossfire ones, these apply to things regarding crossfire on battles, such as healing team members during cross fire or faster crossfire load
Blue nodes: permanent, these mostly apply all the time, like extra defence, or higher chip drop percentage.
Orange nodes: overdive nodes, these apply to overdive and events after overdive, like, getting temporary boost of firepower after an overdive.
Red nodes: malicious nodes, these make you weaker and should never be used for anything.
Purple nodes: liberation nodes, these give intense liberation powerups or completely new types of liberation, use with caution, for example, inferno is basically a harakiri.
* just put chips on the board (keep pressing square until you get nodes with attribute you want)
* if you put 2 of the same node next to each other, they will become linked and their total level is counted
* having 2 same nodes on a board that are not linked will only count the higher of the nodes, not both of them
* attribute level cap is 25 (for standard nodes) [liberation/overdive nodes are a bit different]
...... i hardly know much about the game aside the above though... only beat it fast once to test that my hack worked
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Finished playing first playtrough,. 3rd Birtday 
Played on easy and some levels did give me some trouble,. second last Boss was really easy though,.. and still don't know whot the DNA thingy does,. or how it works,. i had have to check that for my second playthrough,. i am gonne play it again :)
2nd playthrough on normal difficulty