Endless Paradigm

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I don't have any current-gen consoles, so I don't play that many games.

However, I'm replaying Xenosaga 3 and trying to beat Rogue Galaxy.
finished playing Little Big Planet PSP,. still playing Jak and Daxter

PS3 Platinum Trophy Ahaa
[Image: 01.jpg]Borderland Defender
You have defeated all bosses and are a powerful force to be reckoned with


It fudgeing owns
World of Warcraft during raid times, then CoD: MW2 with the guild the rest of the time till like 4am every night.
On a related note:
[Image: 45343577.jpg]
Am playing twiddle thumbs
I am playing:
Phantasy Star Zero [DS] (Finished on easy, but still going)
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 [PC] (Brilliant game, but lags like a mo'fo' on my laptop)
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 [DS] (Riveting plot, it's just that it's so damn hard to remember what I need to be doing)

Spoiler for BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! (TL;DR warning):
In addition to this, I'm reading:
Highschool of the dead [Manga] (Zombies, violence, and more up-skirt shots than is really necessary)
Blind Spot [Book, Novel] (Meh, I have a desire to see how it pans out)

And if that wasn't enough, I have just picked up more hours at work because my counterpart who works other days has a family emergency of some sort.
I also have:
Two stories to write (The hybrid and an omake for a friend's fanfic)
An uncontrollable urge to post here (After this, I stop for 12 hours, hopefully...)

Does anyone here have a spare time machine? I'll use it to create safe paradoxes and get all my stuff done.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Sins of a Solar Empire and Shattered Horizon^^
Not much gaming as its still putting to much pressure on my head...


PS3: Switch between Dragon Age: Origins and Assassin's Creed 2
PC: Was Playing MW and Mass Effect before AC2 and DAO arrived :P

oh and:
Assassinator Wrote:Dota here and there.

was nearly beaten by Easy Computer... scared the sh[i][/i]it out of me...o_O 
Actually if there was a game I'm playing that not one of those arcade game you beat within a few minutes from when you started playing it would be Disgaea 2 for the PSP and Disgaea 3 but I haven't been playing them that much recently.
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