Endless Paradigm

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LumpiaWarrior Wrote:Wanted to play this game

[Image: oregontrail.png]
but it wants me to install...

[Image: oldlm.png]
not only that...

but when i tried to just press install game...

[Image: 16bit.png]
and when I went to the MECC website...



What should I do??


Run Windows 3.1 on VM.
Assassinator Wrote:Run Windows 3.1 on VM.


XP supports 16-Bit applications so you can just get WinXPMode.
Senseito7 Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:Run Windows 3.1 on VM.


XP supports 16-Bit applications so you can just get WinXPMode.

Ok, do that then.

But 3.1 was what the game was designed for, so you can be certain it won't run into any problems.
Flyff   Frozestill
MotorStorm Artic Edge. Funny I like the psp one but hate the ps3 one.
sort of dropped Mirrors Edge in favour of Day of Defeat: Source.

Good thing I got both at the same time.

Still suck at DoD though xD
playing gigawings in my cps2psp emulator
Gratuitous Space Battles
Rock Band 2

And going through the Ace Attorney franchise
Ha.. got the GOW Collection... So that means I have to decide between finishing AC2, playing DA:O or playing GOW....
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