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FonFon Wrote: [ -> ]BRS The Game [US] (Not anyway related to the Anime)

[Image: 5efe0f71b4.png]

just converted my 100% JPN save data Hahaha

Playing this as well.  Pretty fun game.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
my playlist for this week

PS3 - Final Fantasy XIII
PS2 - Final Fantasy XII (yeah got a component cable now ps2 graphics is much crispier in my LCD TV)
Vita - Soul Sacrifice Demo
3DS - MH3U
kingdom hearts 1 and 2
Soul Sacrifice
Finally playing Soul Sacrifice! Must......no........life.......must.......platinum Yay
Playing BRS here too..

pretty much everything done aside the safe driving challenges....
FFS with people designing spoon that has nothing to do with playing skills and just rely on memorizing levels -___-
Pokemon Black 2
Bioshock Infinite.

That game is a Masterpiece.
Still playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope, too.  Made it to the Palace of Creation a few nights ago, but I was too sleepy to continue.  Went in at Lv.74, and came out at Lv.80.  Also, there doesn't seem to be a save point inside (yet), so I have to leave the palace in order to save my progress :/
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