Endless Paradigm

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Pc: More minecraft
psp: Sphyphon Filter Logan's Shadow
ds: kh re coded (just finishing some other poo poo)
Started playing more of WipEout HD lately :3
borderlands 2,... sigh,...


first orange gun :)

[Image: 20120920_132049_zps00a9d211.jpg]

[Image: 20120921_132231_zpsf8326b77.jpg]

[Image: 20120921_132206_zpsc2d8fe37.jpg]
Pc: minecraft
psp : tales of eternia
Tekken Tag 2 PS3!
Left 4 Dead 2.

Want to play Torchlight with other people but I forgot my pass and the website is so laggy still... :(
tekken tag 2 (ps3) - casuals, with roommate.
guild wars 2 (pc) - doing dailies
torchlight 2 and borderlands 2 (pc) - my current grind games
wipeout 2048 (vita) - when at work, break time.
Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare
Little Big Planet PS Vita :D

Tis so awesome! its Little Big Planet 2.5 :p

and some Blazbloo, oh and a little Dark Souls on the side and mebbeh some other shizz nitz. :3
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