Endless Paradigm

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Slender man :3
Fire Emblem Awakening
wheres your team at?

my main file has a MyUnit at 375
while my other file has a MyUnit at 289

anyways been playing some Pandora's Tower (not bad but it seems its going to be short (12% complete after the first tower?)
Sleeping dog :3 free stuffs is always good
Playing Gamedevtycoon. Not sure when it came out but its a pretty fun game. Its small and only costs 7 dollars so its just wasting a small part of my time. Need to get back into bf3 since bf4 is coming out soon. For some reason I have a difficult time with all the new maps.
Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge. If I do get to the end of the game, I'll probably import my team into Wizardry VII and 8. Which would mean my party is in for one loong and epic adventure.

Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]wheres your team at?

my main file has a MyUnit at 375
while my other file has a MyUnit at 289

MU is Dark Flier level 5. On Chapter 18 atm. I have no ideas what those high numbers are...
Soul Sacrifice. Bloody good fun.

Also Don't Starve when I got the time and on PS3 some Tokyo Jungle.
I've been playing a whole bunch lately.... Soul Sacrifice, Pokemon Sapphire, League of legends, ElSword.....oh and fire emblem the sacred stones! wooooh go Ephraim!!!!
my playlist this week maybe

PS3 - Batman Arkham Asylum
PS2 - Fatal Frame (will play in ps3), done in chapter 1
3DS - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Wolkenritter Wrote: [ -> ]Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge. If I do get to the end of the game, I'll probably import my team into Wizardry VII and 8. Which would mean my party is in for one loong and epic adventure.

Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]wheres your team at?

my main file has a MyUnit at 375
while my other file has a MyUnit at 289 (363 on main file)

MU is Dark Flier level 5. On Chapter 18 atm. I have no ideas what those high numbers are...

That's the sum of all the character's stats. the higher the number that higher the stats may be.

I'm sitting just before chapter 19 with my other game (Bride Class [DLC] stats: 289) while my main game is finished and i am finishing on getting DLCs finished
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