Endless Paradigm

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I just finished Remember Me. One of the better sleeper titles I've played.
Dragons crown.. i start from scratch again. -_-
FFX on vita
Played through a few Prince of Persia games recently.  Also played through The Witcher.  I don't really keep up with new games, just play whatever the hell I feel like at the time.  

On phone, been playing Puzzles and Dragons for a while.
Goat Simulator, Hawken, and Final Fantasy x/x-2 :)
FFX on vita, Bravely default in 3ds, and Puzzles and Dragons on my android phone
Dead Nation on vita :3
FFX HD on Vita (farming like hell for Trophies)

Pokémon X on 3DS (since Nintendo gave us free codes for Magmar and Electrabuzz :D)
Need you guys to add me again, I switched my 3DS (The black 25th Anniversary Zelda Edition)
New friendcode: 3625-9931-0468 Please notify me if you add me and send me your friendcode so I can add you too :)
Defender's Quest.  Pretty solid tower defense, with some RPG elements.
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