yeah that's what i was thinkin to however if you notice theres like what 4 or something rco files at least that show up as having no MIG's kinda weird right?
also what about those REALLY random MIGs just randomly in certain rco files i mean i certainly don't remember EVER coming in to contact with a picture of the Left hand corner of the PSP while using the PSP have you?
also got a little bug for ya Zinga not sure what the odds of you being able to fix it are but i noticed theres a bunch of MIG's that arent extracting corractly (like just blank or really weird)
images that ive found that are messed up that im trying to edit:
plus others but i can't remember names :P
Hmm, do you have an example of what MIGs don't extract properly?
As for the "random" RCOs, there's a few resource tables which I don't know how they exactly work (you can see my guide on the RCO File structure, to see how much I know).
here you go mate these be the most important ones right now
Download Here
They appear to all be correct - are you talking about the BMPs? If so, make sure you're using an application which can render 32bit BMPs! (eg Photoshop - make sure you're selecting the alpha channel though)
ROFL man i feel like an (_)6z3|2 /\/00b ROFL
(^ thought you would like that ZiNgA ;) )
it appears completly white UNTIL you go to the alpha channel ROFL
ummm ok got a bug and an OH $H!T!!!
so the bug im pretty sure comes from editing from the following MIG from the music_plugin
its HIGHLY possible that the others will f up to
now i just thought bout it and realised maybe its cause of the changes that occured in 3.0 + fw making it so wee can't edit that file
or maybe my comp is being stupid or something? idk
but i tried to re-flash the original 2.5 one and same thing happens it CRASHES when i try to open the MUSIC directory
now heres the oh spoon i don't have the original 3.03 one :( so anybody can help me out you would be my hero
^^Well, if the unedited 2.50 RCO won't work, I really can't do much
...oh, and you _should_ have kept a backup copy (yes, I tried to stress that out many times

I've uploaded a 3.03 RCO for you...
Anyways, updated to v1.07 - finally, accepts FW2.60 RCOs! Though there seems to be a weird thing with the labels for sysconf_plugin.rco ...
Also, it fixes a number of bugs, so now more icons should be viewable.
OMFG!!! man i must have been like soooo tired or something ROFL!!! (speaking of witch it 2:41 AM and i got college tommarow CG ROFL)
i forgot to rename the file from:
works perfectly now ROFL!!! my God double you tee eff was i thinking?
also i usualy due but i guess i forgot for that one or something
wow... another update
nice one zinga
oh just a little update editing the music_plugin doesn't really work perfectly cause it crashes whenever you press O to leave the mp3 player also no visualizations :( and also crashes when you try to go into the options when playing an mp3 when you select display i believe it was this is because that's where the visualizations go in 3.0+ so yeah :(
also having some issues i think my custom icons might be causing me not to be able to do the Network Update PRX change/hack cause it freezes when i press X on it :(