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Full Version: [PSP] RCO Editor v1.15c
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ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:[quote=bstronga]
text resource insertion is buggy as hell. it seems to work fine for english but the other languages get stuffed up ;p
but still a very nice feature! Inluv
That's interesting...
I really don't know why that works.  Well, I never really understood the "pointer data" sections.

For your information:
0x50: text pointers
0x58: image
0x60/0x68: one is model, one is sound, forgot which is which Erk
0x70: page
0x78: anim

Well, the PSP doesn't seem to care about the first 4, but entering junk data there sometimes stuffs it up - it's odd.
However, page is taken more seriously.  In fact, RCO Editor reads the page and anim data from the "pointer data" section - it's the only way to view all the resources.  I still don't get the ordering of the items though.
Anyways, RCO Editor reads text/image/sound/model data from the tables, which is how the firmware does it.  RCO Editor and rcotool seem to handle it slightly differently though, which is how innercy got the icon hiding to work.

I'll see what I can do for page resources.  Chances are, if I add it, it won't be stable, and you'll have to do quite a bit of checking yourself.
thanks, also saw it in your RCO format thread before.
also noticed the "interesting" header of innercy's topmenu.rco ;>

doing some checking myself shouldn't be a big deal, if you tell me what i need to check :>

thanks for your time ZiNgA BuRgA! Inluv
SWEET! i hope you get tyhat page insert to work wee may be able to insert a new menu and then maybe add code to the vshmain to interact with that data i have an ideal i just duno how it works...wee can already bulid prx's so why coudlnt wee bulid our own to look for photo's and music and such ?  seems pretty simple i think... but i duno maybe not anyways I'll be looking for that page code! lol hehe hope you get it working and i don't mind checking to makes stuff work! thanks for your time awesome program!
I can't invert a BMP in the visualizer (and i think in some other RCO's too)
The RCOEdit says: Invalid dimensions! Width must be divisible by 8 and height..... 16

Do you know that? I tried with all visualizer_plugin.rco's but nope...

Sorry for my bad english..
Add "padding" to satisfy the resolution restriction.

That is, let's say you have a 48x36 BMP.  Increase the canvas size to 48x40, that is, add 4 lines of pixels at the bottom of the image.  Then replace in RCO Editor, and change visible dimensions to 48x36.
Hei ZiNgAbUrGa!!!

I've upgraded your RcoEdit to version 1.15 (and i translated it to Italian)

If u want to see it go here: http://forum.console-tribe.com/psp-offic...26407.html

thanks for the source :great:

I've added your credits in the frmabout ;)

msgbox "ZiNgAbUrGa IS THE BEST!!!", vbexlamation, "THE REALITY"


Interesting skin :P
[Image: rcoeditpropsptribe2ew9.png]
[quote]- Improved Skin
- Psp Tribe version
- See again the rescue method options (lightened)
- Not more RcoEdit.ini but
Why is everyone in to the 7th menu. There are a lot of icons I don't use and can launch prx modules...
What I still want to know is how to show these inserted files. I want a extra static picture in the system_plugin_fg.rco but can't add it, or when I add it in place #6 it f*cks up the rest....
Just a static picture with some x and y values is that possible ????
Hope someone can help me out so I can keep on skinning nice things ;).....
Don't bother with resource insertion.  Actually, it's one of the reasons I decided to not include it in previous versions.

99% of the time, resource insertion won't do you any good.
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