Vegetano1 Wrote:gsmoke Wrote:Zinga Burga , good news , deflated is working with 3.80 topmenu_icon.
I don't know why and how but its working , i atach ,topmenu plugin , deflated and shadows removed wich is working great on the 3.80 M33.
aaahhh i just finished my 3.80m33 theme,.. lol here comes an update!!
Also i noticed this before but for some reason if you compress the viz rco the random viz icon disapears,.. lol's
By the way using deflated means more ram for other icon's right!?
Not exactly but , will help to have smaller topmenu , good for 150 addon users.
how did you decrypt the rco. Ressursiklunsi isn't working for me (it also didn't on 3.71)...
nice to hear man... tried some simple prx conversion but not succesfull......
Why , not , odd , i just converted one theme from 3.52 to 3.80 and all did work.
Or you are talking about the header ?
O_o, odd, deflating works again. It's probably more odd why deflating doesn't work in 3.7x. Interesting...
hey will thier be one for the 3.80 soon so ppl can make their own one
if their a simulated post like this u can remove this one cause i was wondering if their is one out thier that u made ZiNgA BuRgA
so sence someone stated that deflate works again dioes that mean wee no longer have to uncompress the top menus icons>?
i stated that thanks to gsmoke
and you answered your own question
topmnu decompression no longer need