Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [PSP] RCO Editor v1.15c
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^ Does that program still work?  If so, could you link me to it?
max size is 272*88 if i rember coreectly
hey zinga i foudn a nother bug it's been aroudn a while just didnt relize it's a bug... anyways

When you load a icon in say it's the wrong size or whatever jsut give an error the rco editor doesn't let go of that file if you try to delete it or what ever the editor won't let go .... i thin kyou get what i mean let me knwo if not ...
The program doesn't have any locking code (ie doesn't lock files).  I can't really help, since it's probably an issue with Windows.
alright got a nother issue ......tell me why i have icons that when loaded with the 1.15c ver of rco edit they won't show on the psp but if i use the hacked ver  you made it works fine? i thought all you changed was the compression on or off?
Did you turn compression off for 1.15c?
Just want to thank you for this BadAzz tool you made Zinga... thank you, it has made a lot of things possible...
yep i sure did and it even states that the compression is off ... i think it has to do with the 32 bit gim that you now allow... i  will give you spcifcs

The icons i am using are made in photoshop  
   when i first triied using them in 1.15c  i'd save just as a 32bit bmp and tryed loading them i coudl only get the first bmp to load
           meaning in the order of 0-101   if i replaced tex_photo #1 and tex_music #2 only tex_photo #1 woudl load the rest woudl just be blank
           again the same result using indexed 8bit bmp  so the colors woudl be less then 256 and i had it set to prompt to change to 32bit and it didnt so there for is shoudl be using the same as the hacked version but it wasn't and again only the first icon woudl load.
       and i am using slight larger icons   416*208 I woudl think this is the problem but using the hacked verison and indexed bmp they load just fine .
    Also i think there may be a limit on the total size of the topmenu_icon.rco when using the uncompressed 32bit icons i genrated a rco that was 2.4? ish megs and the psps simply locked up while loading the xmb. I hope this all makes sense I've spent like 5 hours trying to figur it out till i fianly reverted back to the hacked version and it worked.  maybe you can shed some light on this:out:
I did find a few issues regarding low coloured icons (≤16 colours) a while ago.  I don't think that's the issue though.

I know about the filesize thing - not much wee can do about that.  I'll see if I can replicate what you've experienced, but see if the alpha layer is the issue first (load in Photoshop and make the alpha layer all black).
alright I'll try that
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