Endless Paradigm

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starting to look way better!
SchmilK Wrote:i like the eyes in the bottom bar ;)

Now my turn....

WOOOOO  Black Free Memorystick Space text!!

That makes the theme SOO much better!

[Image: snap051ip3.jpg]

osnap the volume is simple amazing as well. If

@v1 love the new look.
osnap1584 Wrote:@v1 love the new look.

thanks! can't sleep right now,. so i changed a few minor thingy's,. theme might be ready tomorrow,. ;p
wantt o change so other small thingy's,. and i am looking for a 5.00 random gameboot plugin,. ;p
new volume bar:
[Image: 2w4eah3.jpg]
i got to throw in some final fantasy action here since the veg man has been ruling that scene :)

Trigun from qj.net has had this wish for a ff7 theme for over a year...it might come true some day soon...

[Image: snap074yu1.jpg]

[Image: snap072ca7.jpg]
%^^^ [V1 does't intend to rule anything,..] i am just a happy themer and likes FF very much! ;)

anyway those are some nice icons! :) little rough on the corners

dliug made a FF9 theme for 4.00 wich i really like to see converted to 5.00!!

[Image: 2n0510k.jpg]
Vegetano1 Wrote:%^^^ [V1 does't intend to rule anything,..] i am just a happy themer and likes FF very much! ;)
anyway those are some nice icons! :) little rough on the corners

dliug made a FF9 theme for 4.00 wich i really like to see converted to 5.00!!
[Image: 2n0510k.jpg]

I am working on few new xmb at the moment, but I will convert FF9 after I finish Madwin I hate having to put in stupid PSN icon in all my 4.01 themes...  do wee know how to get rid of that 5hit after redirecting??

also.. I am making a FF-7 theme as well Hiding_something  so u can expect it soon.. just need to sort out graphics, gameboot, pics, walls, etc, etc, etc....

I also really want to make a FF:CC theme, maybe I will do it after those ones lol
dliug Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:%^^^ [V1 does't intend to rule anything,..] i am just a happy themer and likes FF very much! ;)
anyway those are some nice icons! :) little rough on the corners

dliug made a FF9 theme for 4.00 wich i really like to see converted to 5.00!!
[Image: 2n0510k.jpg]

I am working on few new xmb at the moment, but I will convert FF9 after I finish Madwin I hate having to put in stupid PSN icon in all my 4.01 themes...  do wee know how to get rid of that 5hit after redirecting??

also.. I am making a FF-7 theme as well Hiding_something  so u can expect it soon.. just need to sort out graphics, gameboot, pics, walls, etc, etc, etc....

I also really want to make a FF:CC theme, maybe I will do it after those ones lol

Aah i see so you are going to update that theme! should  be posible to squize in a 01-12! ;) thata would be very cuul! :)

tv and PSN should fit in,. my guess,. >?!>?

you are making a FFCC!>?!>? lol m2!

Vegetano1 Wrote:Aah i see so you are going to update that theme! should  be posible to squize in a 01-12! ;) thata would be very cuul! :)
tv and PSN should fit in,. my guess,. >?!>?
you are making a FFCC!>?!>? lol m2!  :)

cool!!, can't wait for your one :D also hurry up with black versus!!!

ff9, I will try to fit it in, hopefully won't give me as many problems as my recent one If damn resources!! lol  

ffcc, I will do something later ;) I have a good idea for it,, will show u concept later Hihi
my current xmb
[Image: screenshot005na6.bmp]

[Image: screenshot003pi3.bmp]

silk dream by dHappy and madsoul
blessedhands Wrote:my current xmb
[Image: screenshot005na6.bmp]

[Image: screenshot003pi3.bmp]

silk dream by dHappy and madsoul

NICE...that was one that realy caught my eye back in the day and inspired me with SchmediaSchenter with is crispy whiteness
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