Endless Paradigm

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ok i can re-do it so it is red :D just hang on a min...

here it is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ea7qeg
again, this is with the "decomposed/decompiled" opening_plugin.rco so if you are on a lower firmware .... yada yada yada (its in my other post)

can u help me doing a cold boot ?

Welcome To Psychomantis* PSP with that font .

probably a red .

upload it to mediafire ..
ok I'll do it but have to goto school now, I'll do it later :)
Got to love RCO Editor
[Image: screen7.jpg]
[Image: screen6.jpg]
[Image: screen5.jpg]
Hafiy Wrote:http://www.dafont.com/brothers-of-metal.font

can u help me doing a cold boot ?

Welcome To Psychomantis* PSP with that font .

probably a red .

upload it to mediafire ..

thanks man . upload it via mediafire .
do you want that " * " or was tat just a typo? lol
and why so strict about mediafire?

dm lol, its done: http://www.mediafire.com/?6ij1zqwwywi
actually include * « that oso .
no , because my country having problem with rapidshare,megaupload,sendspace.
^ What country?? isit 1 of the countries that has the same IP address and ISP?
a few bug i found . after the gameboot .
then the psp splash .
i can see few lines and some unstable lines.
very hard to describe anw
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